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Terms for subject Historical (431 entries)
Negus negus (king of Abyssinia)
niederer Adel gentry
Niedergerichtsbarkeit low justice
Niederlege staple
Niederleghaus staple-house
niedrige Arbeit base and servile work (hist.)
oberlehensherrlich suzerain
Ostmark East German mark
Pacht- und Leihabkommen lend-lease agreement
Pfahlbau palafitte
Pfahlbürger palingman
Pharao Pharaoh
Pornokratie pornocracy (influence of courtesans - esp. over the papal court in the early 10th c.)
Postkutsche stage
Postmeisterei station
privilegierte Mischehe privileged mixed marriage Andrey­ Truhac­hev
Profikrieger professional warrior Andrey­ Truhac­hev
Proviantschiff victualer
Proviantschiff victualler
Radfahrtruppen bicycle troops Andrey­ Truhac­hev