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Terms for subject Medical (218387 entries)
Laparektomie laparectomy
Laparoenterostomie laparoenterostomy
Laparogastroskopie lower gastroscopy
Laparogastroskopie laparogastroscopy
Laparogastrostomie gastrostomy
Laparogastrostomie laparogastrostomy
Laparohysterektomie abdominal hysterectomy
Laparohysterektomie abdominohysterectomy
Laparohysterektomie laparohysterectomy
Laparohysteropexie gastrohysteropexy
Laparohysteropexie hysterogastrorrhaphy
Laparohysteropexie laparohysteropexy
Laparohysteropexie ventrofixation
Laparohysteropexie ventrosuspension
Laparohysteropexie suspension of the uterus
Laparohysteropexie abdominal hysteropexy
Laparohysterotomie abdominal hysterotomy
Laparohysterotomie abdominohysterotomy
Laparohysterotomie laparohysterotomy
Laparokolpohysterotomie laparocolpohysterotomy