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Terms for subject Life sciences (19956 entries)
Kronenbaum crown log
Kronenbreite crown
Kronenbreite crest width
Kruemmungsdruckmesser elbow meter
krümeliger Boden free soil
krümeliger Boden loose soil
krümeliger Boden mellow soil
Krümeligkeit friability
Krumentiefe depth of topsoil
Krümmungslinie line of curvature
Krustazeen crustacean
krustenartig crusty
Krustenboden incrusted soil
Krustenverdünnung crustal thinning
Kryosphaere cryosphere
kryptovulkanische Depression cryptovolcanic caldera
Kuba-Pfeifgans, Kuba-Baumente West Indian whistling duck
Kuba-Pfeifgans, Kuba-Baumente black-billed Whistling Duck
kubische Parabel cubic parabola
Kuckucksrochen cuckoo ray