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Terms for subject Law (38861 entries)
koerperliche und nicht koerperliche Gegenstände tangible and intangible property
Koffer mit falschem Boden false-bottomed suitcase
Kofinanzierung co-financing activities
kohärente Kraft cohesive force
kohärente Kraft in den internationalen Beziehungen cohesive force in international relations
Kohlengrube coal pit
Kohlenzeche coal pit
Koitus per anum coitus per anum
Koitus per os coitus per os
Koitus per os oral sexual intercourse
Kokain blow (slang for cocaine, a stimulant narcotic)
Kokain cocaine (stimulant narcotic)
koliform coliform
Kollegialgericht Multi-judge court
Kollegialitätsprinzip principle of collective responsibility
Kollegialkammer Full Bench Division
Kollegialprinzip principle of collegiate responsibility
Kollegialrichter judge
Kollegialrichter magistrate
Kollegium von Richtern collegial court