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Terms for subject Medical (218387 entries)
Jugulardrüse superior ganglion of the vagus nerve
Jugulardrüse jugular ganglion
Jugulardrüse vagal ganglion superior
Jugulardrüse ganglion of the root
Jugularganglion superior ganglion of the vagus nerve
jugularis jugular
Jugularispuls jugular pulse
Jugularisthrombose thrombosis of the jugular vein
Jugularthymus jugular thymus
Jugularvene jugular vein
Jugularvene jugular
Jugularvenenpuls jugular pulse
Jugularvenenthrombose thrombosis of the jugular vein
Jugulation jugulation
Jugulum jugulum
Jugulumeinziehung inspiratory jugular retraction
Jugum petrosum arcuate eminence
Juhel-Renoy-Syndrom Juhel-Renoy syndrome
Juhel-Renoy-Syndrom necrosia of the renal cortex
Juhel-Renoy-Syndrom eclamptic renal cortex necrosis