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Terms for subject Amphibians and reptiles (4925 entries)
Hornfrosch Amazonian horned frog
Hornfrösche horned frogs
Hornsman corned puff adder
Hornsman hornsman adder
Hornsman many-horned adder
Hornviper carpet viper
Hornviper greater cerastes viper
Hornviper horned viper
Hornviper sand viper
Hornvipern horned vipers
Houston-Kröte Houston toad
Hubrichts Schleichensalamander Red Hills salamander
Hufeisen-Natter horseshoe racer
Hufeisen-Natter horseshoe whip snake
Hühneresser cribo
Hühneresser black and yellow rat snake
Hühneressern cribos
Hühneressern black and yellow rat snakes
Hühnerfresser cribo
Hühnerfresser black and yellow rat snake