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Terms for subject Demography (880 entries)
Grundstückswert plot value
Grundstuecksteilung conveyancing of part of a title
Grundstuecksteilung parcellation
Grundstuecksteilung parcelling of sites
Gruppenanalyse cohort analysis
Gruppenberechnung group calculation
Gruppierung der Häuserblocks arrangement of housing blocks
Gruppierung der Häuserblocks grouping of housing blocks
Gutsverwalter manager of an estate
Heimstätte smallholding
Heimstätte home stead
Herr man
Hominidae hominids
Hominidae hominidae
Homo erectus erected man
Homo sapiens sapient man
Humangenetik population genetics
Hypothekentilgungsversicherung endowment mortgage
Immobilienerwerb investment in real estate
Immobilienhandel land transactions