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Terms for subject Travel (457 entries)
Himmelswagen Great Bear
Hineinsehen view
Hineinsehen sight
Hochgebirgsführer guide
Höhle mit Teich cave with a lake
Höhlenforschung exploration of caves
Hotelauslastung hotel occupancy
Hüttenwart guardian of the hut
Irrlicht yack o'lantern
Jagdverbot prohibition of hunting
Jagdverbot prohibition of shooting
Jagdverbot closed season
Jägerhaus hunting seat
Jägerhaus wood hut
Kajak fahren kayak Andrey­ Truhac­hev
Kajaktour kayak tour Andrey­ Truhac­hev
Kajaktour kayak trip Andrey­ Truhac­hev
Karabinerhaken snap ring
Kegel conical peak
Kilometerdurchschnitt average speed per kilometer