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Terms for subject Natural resourses and wildlife conservation (23408 entries)
Ectomycorrhiza ectomycorrhiza
Ectomycorrhiza ectotrophic mycorrhiza
Edelgamander common germander
Edelgamander wall germander
Edelhirsch red deer
Edelkastanie sweet chestnut
Edelkorallen red and pink corals
Edelkrebs crawfish
Edelsteinkärpfling sheepshead minnow
Edeltanne noble fir
EDTA ethylene diamine-tetracetic acid, EDTA
EDV-Düngungsmodell computer-aided model for fertilizer recommendations
EDV-Düngungsmodell EDP-model for fertilizer application
Edwards-Fasan Edward's pheasant
Eesok Ikan temoleh
Eesok ikaa temelian
Eesok pla eesok
Efeu ivy
Efeu common ivy
Efeublattlaus ivy aphid