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Terms for subject Kayaking (171 entries)
grösste Länge greatest length
Hauptrennen final heat
Heck stern of canoe
herausheben lift
in den Sog eines Bootes gehen follow in the stern wash
Innenkiel inner keel
innere Bojen inside buoys
Internationale Representantenschaft des Kanusports International Canoe Federation
K-2 double kayak
K-2 K-2
K-4 four seater kayak
K-4 K-4
K-l single kayak
K-l K-1
Kajak-Gestell kayak stand
Kajak-Wettfahrbestimmung rules of kayak racing
Kajak-Zeittafel kayakist's timesheet
Kiel lower keel
Kniekissen knee-cushion
Kollision verursachendes Boot boat causing collision