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Terms for subject General (509690 entries)
dichter Wald thick forest
dichter Wald thick wood
dichter Ziggarettenrauch cigarette fog
dichter, stockender Verkehr bumper to bumper traffic
Dichterbund association of poets
Dichterfürst (altertümlich) prince of poets (archaic)
Dichtergruppe group of poets
Dichterin poetess
Dichterinnen poetesses
dichterisch poetic
dichterisch poetically
dichterisch begabt poetically gifted
dichterische Freiheit poetic licence
Dichterkreis group of poets
Dichterlesung poetry reading (by a poet from his/her own works)
Dichterling poetaster
Dichterling rhymer
Dichterling versifier
Dichterlinge versifiers
dichtes Bündel closely spaced basing