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Terms for subject General (509690 entries)
Bundeswehrhubschrauber helicopter of the Federal Armed Forces
Bundeswehrhubschrauber helicopter of the German armed forces
Bundeswehrsoldat soldier of the German Army
Bundeswehrsoldatin female soldier of the German Army
Bundeswehrverwaltungsamt Federal Office of Defence Administration
bundesweit nationwide
bundesweit einheitlich uniform nationwide
Bundeswirtschaftsminister Federal Minister of Economy
Bundeswirtschaftsministerium Federal Ministry of Economy
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung Federal Agency for Civic Education
Bundeszollverwaltung Federal Custom Administration
Bündezange band nipper
Bundfalte tuck
Bundfalten tucks
Bundfalten pleats
Bundfaltenhose pleated pants
Bundfaltenhose pleated trousers
Bundfaltenhose pleat-front trousers
bundfrei (Clavichord) unfretted
Bundhaube coif