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Terms for subject Law (38861 entries)
Bezirksgerichtsschreiberin clerk of the district court
Bezirksgerichtsschreiberin registrar of the district court
Bezirksprokurator District Attorney
Bezirksprokuratorin District Attorney
Bezirksrichter district judge
Bezirksrichterin district judge
Bezirksstaatsanwalt District Attorney (D.A., state's legal representative in legal proceedings or a trial)
Bezirksstaatsanwältin District Attorney (D.A., state's legal representative in legal proceedings or a trial)
Bezirksverwaltungsbehörde district administrative authority
Bezuege emoluments
Bezug auf die Stellungnahme des Verwaltungsrats reference to the opinion of the Administrative Council
Bezüge salary
Bezüger recipient
Bezüger recipient of the supply
Bezügerin recipient
Bezügerin recipient of the supply
Bezugsaktien preemptive shares
Bezugsbindung supply article
Bezugsbindung supply provision
Bezugsklausel interconnection clause