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Terms for subject Environment (26921 entries)
Bearbeitungsemulsionen, halogenfrei waste machining emulsions free of halogens
Bearbeitungsemulsionen, halogenhaltig waste machining emulsions containing halogens
Bearbeitungsschlaemme machining sludges
Bearbeitungsschlamm machining sludge
Bearbeitungssystem für Schadstoffe treatment system
Beauftragter für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege commissioner for nature conservation
Beauftragter für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege commissioner for nature conservation and landscape management
Bebaute Fläche built-up area (Area which is full of houses, shops, offices and other buildings, with very little open space)
Bebaute Fläche built-up area
Bebauungs- und Flächenplan regional planning requirements
Bebauungsplan allocation plan (The formulation and application of such measures as laws, economic plans, urbanism, etc., to ensure a balance between the population's needs and the country's resources)
Bebrütung incubation
Becken pond
Bedarf need (The fact or an instance of feeling the lack of something)
Bedecktsamer angiosperm
Bedecktsamer angiosperm (The class of seed plants that includes all the flowering plants, characterized by the possession of flowers. The ovules, which become seeds after fertilization, are enclosed in ovaries. The xylem contains true vessels. The angiospermae are divided into two subclasses: Monocotyledoneae and Dycotiledoneae)
bedeutsames Vogelgebiet Important Bird Area
Bedrohte Arten vulnerable species (IUCN, Species which is likely to become endangered unless protective measures are taken)
Bedrohte Arten vulnerable species
Bedrohungsmultiplikator threat multiplier