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Terms for subject American (usage, not spelling) (8113 entries)
Bundesverdienstkreuz Federal Cross of Merit
Bundesverkehrsministerium (BMV) Department of Transportation (DOT)
Bundfaltenhose pleated slacks
bunt multi-colored
bunt versicolor
bunt bemalt colorfully painted
bunt geblümt with a colorful flower design
bunt geblümt with a colorful flower pattern
bunt gefärbt many-colored
bunt gefärbt multicolored
bunt gestreift with colored stripes
bunt kariert with a colored check (pattern)
bunt schillernd (Vergangenheit) checkered (past)
bunt schillernd colorful
bunteste most colorful
Bürette (Labor) buret (spv.)
Bürgermeisteramt city hall
Bürgermeisterei city hall
Burnus burnoose
Büroimmobilien office real estate