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Terms for subject Environment (26920 entries)
Abwasserzentrifugation effluent centrifugation
abwechselnde Schiebevorrichtung ram extractor
Abweichungen der Gesamtozonmenge total ozone deviations
Abwerfender Löschladung abort
Abwurfbefehl called shot
Abwurfplatz für Restladung abort area
Abyssal abyssal zone
abyssale Region abyssal zone
abyssale Region abyssal-benthic zone
AC-IMPEL-Netz AC-IMPEL network
AC-IMPEL-Netz accession country implementation of environment legislation network
Acidität acidity (The state of being acid that is of being capable of transferring a hydrogen ion in solution)
Acker-Schlachtelhalm field horsetail
Ackerbau arable farming (Growing crops as opposed to dairy farming, cattle farming, etc.)
Ackerbauland agricultural land
Ackerbewirtschaftung cropland management
Ackerkrume humus
Ackerland field
Ackerland field (A limited area of land with grass or crops growing on it, which is usually surrounded by fences or closely planted bushes when it is part of a farm)
Ackerlandfläche Arable land