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Terms for subject Banking (3006 entries)
Akkreditiv-Eröffnung letter of credit opening
Akkreditivauftrag credit application
Akkreditivbevorschussung packing credit
Akkreditivs commercial letter of credit
Akkreditivsteller applicant
AKP-Staaten African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States
aktenkundig on record
Aktien im Besitz der Unternehmensführung management shares
Aktienausgabe issuing of shares
Aktienaustausch exchange of shares
Aktienemission issuing of shares
Aktienerwerb shares acquisition
Aktienfonds share fund
Aktienfonds equity fund
Aktienfonds investment fund for shares
Aktiengesellschaft private limited company
Aktienkapital issued capital stock
Aktienkauf share purchase
Aktienmantel share certificate
Aktienmantel stock certificate