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Terms for subject Environment (26921 entries)
Vietnamesisches Waldrind Vu Quang ox
Vikunja vicugna
Vikunja vicuna
Vipern vipers
Virologie virology (The study of submicroscopic organisms known as viruses)
virtuelle Umweltinformationsbibliothek Virtual Library of Environmental Information
virtuelles Wasser virtual water
Virus virus (Submicroscopic agents that infect plants, animals and bacteria, and are unable to reproduce outside the tissues of the host. A fully formed virus consists of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein and lipid (fat) coat. The nucleic acid of the virus interferes with nucleic acid-synthesizing mechanism of the host cell, organizing it to produce more viral nucleic acid. Viruses cause many diseases (e.g., mosaic diseases of many cultivated plants, myxomatosis, foot and mouth disease, the common cold, influenza, measles, poliomyelitis). Many plant viruses are transmitted by insects, some by eelworms. Animal viruses are spread by contact, droplet infection or by insect vectors and some are spread by the exchange of body fluids)
viskoser Rückstand sticky deposit
Viskosität viscosity
Viskosität viscosity (Energy dissipation and generation of stresses in a fluid by the distortion of fluid elements; quantitatively, when otherwise qualified, the absolute viscosity. Also known as flow resistance)
visuell untergeordnet visually subordinate
visuelle Inspektion visual inspection
visuelle Prüfung visual inspection
vitaler biochemischer Vorgang vital biochemical process
Vitamin vitamin (An organic compound present in variable, minute quantities in natural foodstuffs and essential for the normal processes of growth and maintenance of the body)
VN-Umweltorganisation UN agency for the environment
VN-Umweltorganisation United Nations Environment Organization
VN-Versandbezeichnung und -klasse UN shipping name and class
Vogel bird (Any of the warm-blooded vertebrates which make up the class Aves)