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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
Verkehrsüberwachungsmaßnahme traffic control measure (Means of controlling the number and speed of motorvehicles using a road)
Verkehrsüberwachungsmaßnahme traffic control measure
Verkehrsunfall traffic accident (An unexpected incident with potential for harm occurring through the movement or collision of vessels, vehicles or persons along a land, water, air or space route)
Verkehrsvorschriften traffic regulation
Verkehrsvorschriften traffic regulation (A body of rules or orders prescribed by government or management for the safe and orderly movement of vehicles on land, sea or in the air)
Verkehrsweg traffic route (No definition needed)
Verkehrswegebau traffic route construction (No definition needed)
Verkehrswegebau traffic route construction
Verkehrsziel destination of transport
Verkehrsziel destination of transport (The targeted place to which persons, materials or commodities are conveyed over land, water or through the air)
Verkehrtfüßler trogons
verkippen dump
Verklappung disposal at sea
Verklappung waste sea dumping operation
Verklappung dumping
Verklappung ocean dumping (The process by which pollutants, including sewage, industrial waste, consumer waste, and agricultural and urban runoff are discharged into the world's oceans. These pollutants arise from a myriad of sources)
Verklappung ocean disposal
Verklappung sea disposal
Verklappung von Abfällen disposal of waste at sea
Verklappung von radioaktivem Material radioactive waste sea dumping