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Terms for subject General (501013 entries)
Stabsfunktion staff function
Stabshauptmann Captain
Stabslehrgang staff course
Stabsoffizier field officer
Stabsoffizierin field officer (female)
Stabsoffizierin staff officer (female)
Stabsquartier headquarters
Stabsrahmenübung im freien Gelände Command Field Exercise
Stabsreferat der Direktion Office of the Directorate
Stabsreferat des Beraters des Staatsrates Office of the Adviser to the Council of State
Stabsreferat des Generalsekretaers Office of the Secretary-General
Stabsreferat Fahndungsangelegenheiten Criminal Investigation Department
Stabsreferat Politische Planung Policy Development (Advisory) Section
Stabsschwarm (Luftwaffe) Staff flight
Stabssekretärin secretary of the staff
Stabssekretärin staff secretary
Stabsstelle staff position
Stabstahl bar steel
Stabstahl steel bars
Stabstelle staff function