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Terms for subject British (usage, not spelling) (8839 entries)
Schlüsselfeile warding file
Schlüsselkind latchkey kid
schmackhaft savoury
schmackhaft flavourful
Schmalbündelantenne pencil-beam aerial
Schmalfilm cine film
Schmalfilmkamera cine camera
Schmalspureisenbahn narrow-gauge railway
schmeicheln quill
Schmiere (schlechtes Theater) second-rate theatre
Schmierentheater second-rate theatre
Schmiergeld bung (coll.: bribe)
schmieriges Zeug gunge
Schminkbohne haricot bean
Schmollwinkel growlery (retreat for times of ill-humour)
Schmuck jewellery
Schmuckabteilung jewellery department (in a shop)
Schmuckfarbe (Drucktechnik) spot colour
Schmuckgegenstand piece of jewellery
Schmuckgeschäft jewellery shop