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Terms for subject Economy (98834 entries)
quantitative Veränderung increment
quantitatives geldpolitisches Ziel quantitative monetary policy objective
quantitatives Spiel game of degree
Quantitätsgleichung exchange equation
Quantitätsgleichung Fisher equation
Quantitätsrüge complaint regarding the quantity
Quantitätstheorie quantity theory
Quantum batch
Quarantänearzt health officer
Quarantänebefreiung pratique
Quarantänegebühren quarantine dues
Quarantänegelder quarantine dues
Quarantänehafen quarantine harbor
Quart quart
Quartal term
Quartalsbericht quarterly statement
Quartalsbericht über den Euroraum Quarterly report on the euro area
Quartalsdividende quarterly dividend
Quartalsgehalt quarterage
Quartalsmedio half quarter day