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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
Pumpe pump (A machine that draws a fluid into itself through an entrance port and forces the fluid out through an exhaust port)
Pumpe für Hubschrauberbeförderung helipumper
Pumpen pumping (The removal of gases and vapors from a vacuum system)
pumpfähiger Abfall pumpable discard
Pumpspeicherkraftwerk pumped storage power plant
Pumpspeicherwerk pumped storage power plant
Pumpstation relay pumping station
Pumpversuch pumping test
Punktdiagramm dot chart
punktfoermiger Schadstoffeintrag defined pollution
Punktquelle point source
Punktquelle point source (Pollution from a discrete source, such as a septic tank, a sewer, a discharge type, a landfill, a factory or waste water treatment works discharging to a watercourse; stack emission from an industrial process; or spillage from an underground storage tank leaching into groundwater)
Punktquellen individual sources
punktuelle Umweltverschmutzung point source pollution
Purin purin (Any of a number of nitrogenous bases, such as guanine and adenine, that are derivatives of purine and constituents of nucleic acids and certain coenzymes)
Purox-Pyrolyseverfahren Purox pyrolysis process
Pyoctaninum aureum auramine
Pyralene pyralene (Chemical compound belonging to the polychlorinated biphenyls family, used in the production of electrical equipment which requires dielectric fluid such as power transformers and capacitors, as well as in hydraulic machinery, vacuum pumps, compressors and heat-exchanger fluids)
Pyrolyse pyrolysis (The breaking apart of complex molecules into simpler units by the use of heat)
Pyrolyse mit Flüssigkeiten als Wärmeträgern liquid pyrolysis