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Terms for subject Informal (11697 entries)
patzen goof
Patzer boob (coll.: error, mistake)
patzig bold
patzig cheeky
patzig insolent
patzig snooty
pauken (ugs. : intensiv lernen) cram
Pauker teacher
Paukerei swot
Pazifist peacenik
Pazifistin peacenik (female)
PC-Hocker mouse potato
Pech tough luck
Pech gehabt! Tough toenails!
Pech gehabt! Tough!
pechrabenschwarz pitch-black
pechschwarz black as your hat
Pechvogel unlucky devil Andrey­ Truhac­hev
pedantisch anal
peinlich genau bis ins kleinste Detail sein dot the i's and cross the t's