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Terms for subject Football (919 entries)
Nationales Sicherheitskonzept WM 2006 National Security Strategy for the 2006 World Cup
Nationalspieler international
niederhalten keep down
Notbremse ziehen commit a tactical foul
Notschiedsrichter emergency-referee
Oxfordstoss heeling kick
Parade save
Passball an den Flügel pass to the wing
passives "Abseits" passive "off-side"
Pause half-time
Pause half-time break
Pause interval
Pfosten goal-post
Pfostenschuss shot against the post
Platzverweis sending off
Platzwechsel change of positions
Pokal cup
Pokalspiel cup match
Pokalverteidiger cup-holders
polizeibekannt known to police