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Terms for subject Law (38861 entries)
Manteltarifvertrag skeleton collective agreement
manuelle Korrespondenzregistratur manual correspondance filing departments
Manupulation der Daten deception of data
Manupulation der Daten deliberate data modification
Manupulation der Daten spoofing
Maputo-Protokoll Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa
Marginale marginal note
marginaler Steuerspitzensatz top marginal rate of tax
Marijuana marijuana (narcotic)
maritime Raumordnung maritime spatial planning
maritime Raumplanung maritime spatial planning
maritime Rüstungskontrolle naval arms control
Marke geeignet,das Publikum irrezuführen trade mark liable to mislead the public
Marke geeignet,das Publikum irrezuführen trade mark of such a nature as to deceive the public
Marke mit Bildelementen device mark
Marke mit Bildelementen figurative mark
Marke, die keine Unterscheidungskraft besitzt/hat trade mark which is not distinctive
Marke,die geeignet ist,das Publikum zu täuschen trade mark liable to mislead the public
Marke,die geeignet ist,das Publikum zu täuschen trade mark of such a nature as to deceive the public
Marke,die keine Unterscheidungskraft besitzt not distinctive trade mark