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Terms for subject Environment (26920 entries)
Ergonomie ergonomics (The study of human capability and psychology in relation to the working environment and the equipment operated by the worker)
Erhaltung subpriority
Erhaltung der Art conservation of the species
Erhaltung der Feuchtgebiete des Flusses Sile Sile's Wet Areas Together Conserve How
Erhaltung der Landschaft conservation of the countryside
Erhaltung der Landschaft maintenance of the countryside
Erhaltung der Landschaft nature conservancy
Erhaltung der Landschaft preservation of the countryside
Erhaltung der Lebensstätten conservation of the habitats
Erhaltung der Natur nature conservation
Erhaltung der natürlichen Lebensräume maintenance of the countryside
Erhaltung der natürlichen Pflanzen- und Tierwelt wildlife conservation
Erhaltung der natürlichen Pflanzen- und Tierwelt wildlife conservation (A series of measures required to maintain or restore the natural habitats and the populations of species of wild fauna and flora at a favourable status)
Erhaltung der Wasservorkommen conservation of water resources
Erhaltung des Friedens peacekeeping (The activities to prevent, contain, moderate and/or terminate the hostilities between or within States, through the medium of an impartial third party intervention, organised and directed internationally. This intervention is conducted using military forces, police and civilians with the consent of the main belligerents, to complement the diplomatic conflict resolution process and, to restore and maintain peace)
Erhaltung des ländlichen Raums conservation of the countryside
Erhaltung des ländlichen Raums preservation of the countryside
Erhaltung historischer Bauwerke conservation of the architectural heritage
Erhaltung natürlicher Lebensräume conservation of natural habitats
Erhaltung natürlicher Ressourcen preservation of natural resources