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Terms for subject Environment (26920 entries)
Erdgasförderung natural gas extraction
Erdgasförderung natural gas extraction (The tapping of natural gas from wells located under the sea and in general from underground sources often in association with petroleum deposits; it is used as a fuel, having largely replaced coal-gas for this purpose, and as a source of intermediates for organic synthesis)
Erdgasreinigung natural gas purification
Erdgipfel Conference on the Planet Earth
Erdgipfel Earth Summit
Erdgipfel Rio Summit
Erdgipfel UN Conference on Environment and Development
Erdkruste earth's crust (The outer layers of the Earth's structure, varying between 6 and 48 km in thickness, and comprising all the material above the Mohorovicic Discontinuity (a seismic discontinuity occurring between the crust of the earth and the underlying mantle; the discontinuity occurs at an average depth of 35 km below the continents and at about 10 km below the oceans). The earlier idea of a cool solid skin overlaying a hot molten interior has now been replaced by a concept of a crust composed of two shells: an inner basic unit composed of sima (oceanic crust) and an outer granitic unit composed of sial (continental crust))
Erdlagerung landfill of waste
erdnahe Atmosphäre lower atmosphere
Erdoel petroleum oil
Erdöl petroleum (A comparatively volatile liquid bitumen composed principally of hydrocarbon, with traces of sulphur, nitrogen or oxygen compounds; can be removed from the earth in a liquid state)
Erdölförderung oil extraction (Recovery of oil by surface mining, as in tar sands or oil shales, or from tunnels in a shallow reservoir)
Erdölförderung mineral oil extraction
Erdölgeologie petroleum geology
Erdölgeologie petroleum geology (The branch of economic geology that relates to the origin, migration and accumulation of oil and gas, and to the discovery of commercial deposits. Its practice involves the application of geochemistry, geophysics, paleontology, structural geology and stratigraphy to the problems of finding hydrocarbons)
Erdölindustrie petroleum industry
Erdölindustrie petroleum industry (Manufacturing industry utilizing complex combination of interdependent operations engaged in the storage and transportation, separation of crude molecular constituents, molecular cracking, molecular rebuilding, and solvent finishing to produce petrochemical products)
Erdölraffination oil refining (The separation of petroleum mixtures into their component parts)
Erdölverbrauch petroleum consumption