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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
Entwicklungsplanung development planning (The act or process of formulating a course of action that promotes the economic advancement of a region or people, particularly in countries known to have low levels of economic productivity and technological sophistication)
Entwicklungsstand status of development (The extent to which a society promotes human well-being in all dimensions of existence by forming people's capabilities, expanding choices and increasing opportunities)
Entwicklungszusammenarbeit development co-operation
entwipfeltes Holz topped timber
Entwurf einer Rechtsvorschrift proposal for legally binding measures
Entwurfsregen design storm
entzündbare Feststoffe flammable solids
entzündbare Gase flammable gases
entzündliche Gase flammable gases
Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Protection Agency US Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Protection Agency United States Environmental Protection Agency
Environmentalismus environmentalism (1. Concern for the environment and its protection. 2. Theory emphasizing the primary influence of the environment on the development of groups or individuals. It stresses the importance of the physical, biological, psychological, or cultural environment as a factor influencing the structure or behaviour of animals, including humans. In politics, this has given rise in many countries to Green Parties, which aim to " Preserve the planet and its people")
ENVISION Evironmental Information Vision
Enzyklopädie encyclopaedia (A comprehensive, often multivolume, reference work containing articles on a wide rage of subjects or on various aspects of a particular field, usually, alphabetically arranged)
Enzym enzyme (Any of a group of catalytic proteins that are produced by living cells and that mediate and promote the chemical processes of life without themselves being altered or destroyed)
Enzymaktivität enzyme activity
Enzymaktivität enzymic activity
enzymatische Umwandlung enzyme-induced transformation
enzymatischer Abbau enzymatic degradation