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Terms for subject Technology (237007 entries)
Branchentelephonbuch classified directory
Branchentelephonbuch classified phonebook
brand surge
Brand im Fluge fire in flight
Brand im Vergaser fire in the carburetor
Brand waehrend des Fluges in-flight fire
Brandabschnitt fire zone
Brandabschottung bulkhead
Brandbarriere fire barrier
Brandbekaempfungseinrichtungen fire-fighting facilities
Brandbekämpfung fire suppression
Brandbelastung fire burden
Brandbombe incendiary bomb
Brandbombenbuendel cluster of incendiary bombs
Brandbombenschuettkasten incendiary bomb
brandeilig very urgent
Brandeindämmung fire confinement
Branderkennung fire detection
Brandflasche frangible grenade
Brandfrüherkennung early fire detection