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Terms for subject General (508411 entries)
Auerhahn mountain cock
Auerhahn wood grouse
Auerhahn (männliches Auerhuhn) cock of the wood (coll.: capercailzie, Tetrao urogallus)
Auerhahn capercaillie cock (Tetrao urogallus)
Auerhähne wood grouses
Auerhähne wood grouse cocks
Auerhenne capercaillie hen (Tetrao urogallus)
Auerhenne wood grouse hen
Auerhennen wood grouse hens
Auerhuhn Western Capercaillie
Auerhuhn wood grouse
Auerhuhn capercailzie (Tetrao urogallus)
Auerhühner wood grouses
Auerhühner wood grouse
Auerochs aurochs (extinct wild ox of Europe)
Auerochse aurochs
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