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Terms for subject Cooking (804 entries)
Bauchspeck pork belly
Bauchspeck belly pork
Bauernbrot German farm bread usually a mixture of wheat and rye flours
Bauernfrühstück fried potatoes with scrambled egg and bacon
Bauernfrühstück lunch or supper (never breakfast) of fried eggs, potatoes, meat or sausage and bacon
Bauernsalat peasant salad
Beaujolais Primeur Beaujolais Nouveau
Beefsteak Tartar raw minced meat served with a raw egg and spices
begleitende Getränke zum Essen drinks to accompany the meal Andrey­ Truhac­hev
Beilage side dishes
Beilage condiment
Belag filling
Belag topping
belegte Brötchen bread roll with cheese, ham or sausage
belegte Brote open sandwiches
belgische Küche Belgian cuisine Andrey­ Truhac­hev
Bergkäse cheese produced in the Alps
Berliner doughnut
Betthupferl bedtime candy or sweet
Betthupferl midnight snack