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Terms for subject Economy (96889 entries)
absolute Meßmethode absolute method of measuring
absolute Meßwerterfassung absolute method of measurement
absolute Meßwerterfassung absolute method of measuring
absolute Überproduktion absolute overproduction
absolute Wahrscheinlichkeit absolute probability
absolute Werte total money values
absoluter Kostenvorteil absolute cost advantage
absoluter Umfang der Anpassung absolute size of the adjustment
absoluter Wert absolute value
absolutes Maximum all-time high
absolutes Maximum absolute maximum
absolutes Minimum absolute minimum
absolutes Minimum global minimum
absolutes Minimum unconstrained minimum
absolutes Optimum absolute optimum
absolutes Optimum global optimum
Absolutwert einer komplexen Zahl modulus
Absolutwertdarstellung absolute value representation
Absolvent graduate
absondern isolate