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Terms for subject Cooking (712 entries)
Rippespeer spareribs
Roastbeef (Rind) beef tenderloin
Roggenvollbrot whole rye bread
Rohkost raw vegetables
Rollbraten roast
Rollbraten rolled roast
Rollmops pickled rolled-up herring filled with onions and pickled cucumber
Rollschinken smoked ham
Romana romaine
Rosenpaprika hot paprika
Rostbraten rib of beef roasted with onions
Rostbratwurst barbecue sausage
Rotbarbe red mullet
rote Chilischote red chili pepper
rote Grütze red fruit pudding
Roulade slice of meat rolled and filled with bacon, onions and spices
Rübenkraut molasses
Rücken saddle
Rücken rack
Rührei scrambled egg