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Terms for subject Law (38861 entries)
Qualitätsverschlechterung satisfactory deterioration
quantitativer Abbau bei gleichzeitigem qualitativem Aufbau build-down
Quarantäneflagge sick-flag
Quarantäneflagge yellow flag
Quasi-Kapitalgesellschaften quasi-corporate enterprises
Quasi-Masseanspruch as if debt incurred by the general body of creditors
Quasidelikt quasi-tort
quasirichterlich quasi-judicial
Quellenangabe mention of the source
Quellenbesteuerung von Zinserträgen und Lizenzgebühren withholding tax on royalties and interest payments
Querschnittsprüfung horizontal audit
Querulant quarreler
Quinta fifths
quittieren give a receipt
Quittung written receipt
Quittung payment
Quittung 2. (customs) receipt
Quittung und Überweisungsbeleg receipt and other proof of payment
Quittungsformular receipt
Quittungsformular 2. (customs) receipt