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Terms for subject Football (889 entries)
Nachspielzeit extra time
Nachspielzeit time added on for stoppages and injuries
Nationalelf national team
Nationalelf national side
Nationales Sicherheitskonzept WM 2006 National Security Strategy for the 2006 World Cup
Nationalspieler international
niederhalten keep down
Notbremse ziehen commit a tactical foul
Notschiedsrichter emergency-referee
Oxfordstoss heeling kick
Parade save
Passball an den Flügel pass to the wing
passives "Abseits" passive "off-side"
Pause half-time
Pause half-time break
Pause interval
Pfosten goal-post
Pfostenschuss shot against the post
Platzverweis sending off
Platzwechsel change of positions