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Terms for subject University (345 entries)
Hochschulzugang university admission
hohe Lehrverpflichtung heavy teaching load
Honorarprofessorin honorary professor
Immatrikulationsamt registration office
informelles Treffen informal gathering
Inskription registration
Inskriptionsfrist registration period
Inskriptionsfrist enrolment period
Inskriptionsnummer course number
Institutsgebäude institute building
Institutsleiterin chairperson
Institutsleiterin department head
Institutsleiterin head of the department
Institutsmitglied member of the department
Institutsmitglied member of the institute
Institutssekretär departmental secretary
Institutssekretärin departmental secretary
Institutsvorstand chairperson
Institutsvorstand department head
Institutsvorstand head of the department