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Terms for subject Education (12582 entries)
Chemietechnik chemical engineering
chemische Laboratoriumstechnik chemical laboratory engineering
chemische Reaktionstechnik chemical reaction engineering
chemische Verfahrenstechnik chemical process engineering
chemischer Stift chemical pencil
Choleriker choleric
Cholerikerin choleric
Chordirigieren choral conducting
Choreografie choreography
choreographische Schule ballet school
Chorleiter choir conductor
Chorleiterin choir conductor
christliche Archäologie Christian archaeology
christliches Sozialwesen Christian social services
CLIL-Unterricht content and language integrated learning
Cluster economic cluster
Code für die Ausbildung,die Erteilung von Befähigungszeugnissen und den Wachdienst von Seeleuten Seafarers'Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code
Comenius Comenius
Comenius Comenius programme
Committee on Higher Education in the European Community Committee on Higher Education in the European Community