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Terms for subject Environment (15072 entries)
kanarieduva Bolle's laurel pigeon
känguruer wallabies and kangaroos
kanjon canyon (A long deep, relatively narrow steep-sided valley confined between lofty and precipitous walls in a plateau or mountainous area, often with a stream at the bottom; similar to, but largest than, a gorge. It is characteristic of an arid or semiarid area (such as western U.S) where stream downcutting greatly exceeds weathering)
kanjon canyon
känsla för naturen feeling for nature (A consciousness, sensibility or sympathetic perception of the physical world and its scenery in their uncultivated state)
känsla för naturen feeling for nature
känslig miljö sensitive environment (Any parcel of land, large or small, under public or private control, that already has, or with remedial action could achieve, desirable environmental attributes. These attributes contribute to the retention and/or creation of wildlife habitat, soils stability, water retention or recharge, vegetative cover, and similar vital ecological functions. Environmentally sensitive areas range in size from small patches to extensive landscape features. They can include rare or common habitats, plants and animals)
känslig miljö sensitive environment
känslighetsanalys sensitivity analysis (A formalized procedure to identify the impact of changes in various model components on model output. Sensitivity analysis is an integral part of simulation experimentation and may influence model formulations. It is commonly used to examine model behaviour. The general procedure is to define a model output variable that represents an important aspect of model behaviour. The values of various inputs of the model are then varied and the resultant change in the output variable is monitored. Large changes in the output variable imply that the particular input varied is important in controlling model behaviour. Within this general definition, sensitivity analysis has been applied to a variety of model inputs including state variables, environmental variables and initial conditions)
känslighetsvariation variation in sensitivity
känsligt naturområde sensitive natural area (Terrestrial or aquatic area or other fragile natural setting with unique or highly-valued environmental features)
känsligt naturområde sensitive natural area
känsligt område sensitive area (Areas of a country where special measures may be given to protect the natural habitats which present a high level of vulnerability)
kantodling contour cropping
kantonslag cantonal law
kantskärare grass edge trimmer
kantskärare lawn edge trimmer
kap-bergszebra Cape mountain zebra
kapacitetsmanometer capacitance manometer
kapillärpor capillary pore