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Terms for subject Environment (15072 entries)
iberisk sillgrissla Iberian guillemot
iberisk sillgrissla guillemot (Iberian subspecies)
ibis och skedstorkar ibises and spoonbills
iblandning incorporation (No definition needed)
icke brännbar fraktion non-combustible fraction
icke förnybar naturresurs non-renewable resource
icke jäsningsbar produkt non-fermentable product
icke verksam beståndsdel inert component
icke-biologiska behandlingsmetoder civil engineering method
icke-farligt avfall non-hazardous waste
icke-flyktigt ämne non-volatile substance (Substance that is not capable of changing from a solid or liquid form to a vapour)
icke-flyktigt ämne non-volatile substance
icke-förorenande bränsle non-polluting fuel (Clean fuel that does not release polluting emissions in the environment, such as methane)
icke-förorenande bränsle non-polluting fuel
icke-förorenande energikälla non-polluting energy source (Energy that is ecologically safe and renewable. The most widely used source is hydroelectric power, which currently supplies some 6.6% of the world's energy needs. Other non-polluting sources are solar energy, tidal energy, wave energy and wind energy. Most non-polluting energy sources require a high capital investment but have low running costs)
icke-joniserande strålning non-ionising radiation (Radiation that does not change the structure of atoms but does heat tissue and may cause harmful biological effects)
icke-kontinuerlig luftningsbassäng sequencing batch reactor
icke-konventionell energi non-conventional energy (Energy that is renewable and ecologically safe, such as tidal power, wind power, etc.)
icke-konventionell energi non-conventional energy
icke-metaller non-metal (A nonmetallic element, such as arsenic or silicon, that has some of the properties of a metal)