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Terms for subject Environment (15072 entries)
civil flygtrafik civil air traffic (Air traffic pertaining to or serving the general public, as distinguished from military air traffic)
civil flygtrafik civil air traffic
civil säkerhet civil safety (Actions and measures undertaken, often at a local level, to ensure that citizens of a community are secure from harm, injury, danger or risk)
civil säkerhet civil safety
civilrätt civil law (Law inspired by old Roman Law, the primary feature of which was that laws were written into a collection; codified, and not determined, as is common law, by judges. The principle of civil law is to provide all citizens with an accessible and written collection of the laws which apply to them and which judges must follow)
civilskydd civilian protection (The organization and measures, usually under governmental or other authority depending on the country, aimed at preventing, abating or fighting major emergencies for the protection of the civilian population and property, particularly in wartime)
civilskydd civilian protection
civilskyddsmodul civil protection module
clearingkonto i systemet för handel med utsläppsrätter ETS central clearing account
clearingmekanism clearing house mechanism
CO2-ström CO2 stream
CO2-utsläpp från industriprocesser industrial CO2 emissions
coahuilas dossköldpadda aquatic box turtle
coahuilas dossköldpadda coahuila turtle
coahuilas dossköldpadda water bow turtle
coastal squeeze coastal squeeze
Coliwasa-provtagare Coliwasa sampler
colombiansk glasögonkajman Apaporis river caiman
colombiansk glasögonkajman Apaporis spectacled caiman
coloradoskalbagge Colorado beetle