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Terms for subject Environment (15072 entries)
saluföra marketing
saluföring marketing (A related group of business activities whose purpose is to satisfy the demands for goods and services of consumers, businesses and government. The marketing process includes estimating the demand, producing the product, pricing the product to satisfy profit criteria, and promoting and distributing the product)
samarbete co-operation
samarbetsländer collaborating countries
samarbetspolitik co-operation policy (Political course of action aiming at establishing trade agreements among the states)
samarbetspolitik co-operation policy
samarbetsprincip co-operation principle
samarbetsram framework for cooperation
sambandet mellan dos och respons dose-effect relationship (The relation between the quantity of a given substance and a measurable or observable effect)
sambandet mellan dos och respons dose-effect relationship
samdeponering joint-disposal
samförbränning co-incineration
samhälle society (Human group of people, more or less large and complex, associated for some common interest and characterized by distinctive hierarchical relationships)
samhällsplanering spatial planning
samhällsutbyggnad environmental restructuring
samhällsvetenskap social science (The study of society and of the relationship of individual members within society, including economics, history, political science, psychology, anthropology, and sociology)
samhällsvetenskap social science
samlad bedömning integrated assessment
samling växthusgaser basket of gases
samlingsprovtagare reservoir sampler