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Terms for subject Environment (15072 entries)
civilskydd civilian protection (The organization and measures, usually under governmental or other authority depending on the country, aimed at preventing, abating or fighting major emergencies for the protection of the civilian population and property, particularly in wartime)
civilskydd civilian protection
civilskyddsmodul civil protection module
clearingkonto i systemet för handel med utsläppsrätter ETS central clearing account
clearingmekanism clearing house mechanism
CO2-ström CO2 stream
CO2-utsläpp från industriprocesser industrial CO2 emissions
coahuilas dossköldpadda aquatic box turtle
coahuilas dossköldpadda coahuila turtle
coahuilas dossköldpadda water bow turtle
coastal squeeze coastal squeeze
Coliwasa-provtagare Coliwasa sampler
colombiansk glasögonkajman Apaporis river caiman
colombiansk glasögonkajman Apaporis spectacled caiman
coloradoskalbagge Colorado beetle
combined monitoring-based and modelling-based priority setting combined monitoring-based and modelling-based priority setting
COP 17 17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
COP 17 Durban Climate Change Conference
COP 17 United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa, COP 17/CMP 7
Copernicus Copernicus