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Terms for subject Cultural studies (390 entries)
Media II - Utbildning Training programme for professionals in the European audiovisual programme industry
Media II - Utveckling och distribution Programme to encourage the development and distribution of European audiovisual works
mekanisk radialtriangulering laydown
mekanisk radialtriangulering slotted-template laydown
mellankopia intermediate
mellankopia intermediate copy
mellankopia intermediate master
metallmodell boilerplate model
mikrofiche sheet microfilm
mikrofiche transparent microsheet
mikrofichekamera flat-bed camera
mikrofichekamera planetary camera
mikrofichekamera step-and-repeat camera
mikrofichekamera stepwise-operated camera
mikrofilmläsare microfilm reader
mikrofilmläsare microreader
mikrofilmläsare reader
mikrokopia microrecord
mikrokopia miniature
mikrokort micro-opaque