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Terms for subject Linguistics (904 entries)
計算言語学 (more common than 計量言語学) computational linguistics
三段論法 syllogism
三人称 third person
三人称単数 third person singular
三人称単数現在 third person singular present
三人称代名詞 third person pronoun
変格 translative
変形生成文法 transformational generative grammar
変形文法 transformational grammar
有限状態文法 finite-state grammar
有声音 voiced sound
上層方言 acrolect
上代語 ancient Japanese language
上代語 Japanese as spoken from the end of the 6th century to the end of the Nara period
尊敬語 honorific language
下位方言 subdialect
下層方言 basilect
個人語 idiolect
程度副詞 adverb of degree
同語反覆 tautology