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Terms for subject Politics (1672 entries)
kaasseadusandja co-legislator
kabinet private office
kabineti juhataja Head of the Private Office
kabineti juhataja chef de cabinet
kabineti juhataja principal private secretary
kabinetiülem Head of the Private Office
kabinetiülem chef de cabinet
kabinetiülem principal private secretary
Kagu-Euroopa koostööprotsess South-East European Cooperation Process
Kagu-Euroopa piirkondlik foorum Regional Table of the Stability Pact
Kagu-Euroopa piirkondlik foorum South-Eastern Europe Regional Table
Kagu-Euroopa stabiilsuspakt Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe
Kagu-Euroopa stabiilsuspakt Stability Pact
kahju hüvitamine compensation for damages
käitumisjuhend Code of Conduct
käitumisjuhend Code of Conduct for Members of the European Parliament with respect to financial interests and conflicts of interest
käitumisjuhendi rikkumine non-compliance with the code of conduct
kalanduse ja vesiviljeluse komitee Committee for Fisheries and Aquaculture
kalanduse ja vesiviljeluse korralduskomitee Management Committee for Fisheries and Aquaculture
kalanduse ja vesiviljeluse nõuandekomitee Advisory Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture