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Terms for subject Labor organization (96 entries)
inrichting mechanism
intragroepdiensten intra group services
just in time produktiestrategie just-in-time
just-in-time strategie just-in-time
just-in-time-productie just-in-time production
KANBAN-systeem Kan Ban
KANBAN-systeem kanban
kapitaalbinding capital ties
kapitaalintensiteit capital intensity
kasbon "bon de caisse"
kasbon cash certificate
kasbon certificate of deposit
kosten die ontstaan na de levering costs incurred after delivery
kosten die ontstaan na de levering costs subsequent to the delivery
kosten van oprichting en uitbreiding formation expenses
lean production material as needed
nulfabricage pre-series production
ontkoppelingsclausule disconnection clause
ontstapelaar depalletizer
ontwikkeldoorlooptijd time to market