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Terms for subject Environment (24932 entries)
kanaliseren channelling (Any system of distribution canals or conduits for water, gas, electricity, or steam)
kanaliseren channelling
kanker cancer (Any malignant cellular tumour including carcinoma and sarcoma. It encompasses a group of neoplastic diseases in which there is a transformation of normal body cells into malignant ones, probably involving some change in the genetic material of the cells, possibly as a result of faulty repair of damage to the cell caused by carcinogenic agents or ionizing radiation)
kankerverwekkende stof carcinogen (A substance that causes cancer in humans and animals)
kans op exogene besmetting metlood risk of contamination by exogenic lead
kansarmen underprivileged people
kansarmen underprivileged people (A segment of the population that does not have access to the rights or benefits granted to the rest of society, often because of low economic or social status)
kantonnaal recht cantonal law
kantoor office (Any room, set of rooms or building used for the administration of government service, business transactions or other work related activities)
kantoorstudie desk study (No definition needed)
kantoorstudie desk study
kapitaalbelasting tax on capital (A government imposed levy on the wealth or assets gained by an individual, firm, or corporation for the purpose of raising revenue to pay for services or improvements for the general public benefit)
kappen [bosbouw] cutting (The act or process of felling or uprooting standing trees, in order to produce timber products; forestry)
kappen van bossen clearance of forests
kappen van bossen deforestation
kappen van bossen forest cover destruction
kappen van bossen forest destruction
kappen van een bos woodland clearance (The permanent clear-felling of an area of forest or woodland. On steep slopes this can lead to severe soil erosion, especially where heavy seasonal rains or the melting of snow at higher levels cause sudden heavy flows of water. In the humid tropics it may also lead to a release of carbon dioxide from the soil)
kapvergunning logging concession
karakterisering van het risico risk characterization