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Terms for subject Environment (24932 entries)
kamp camp
kamp camp (1. A place where tents, cabins, or other temporary structures are erected for the use of military troops, for training soldiers, etc. 2. Tents, cabins, etc., used as temporary lodgings by a group of travellers, holiday-makers, Scouts, Gypsies, etc.)
kampeerterrein camping site (A piece of land where people on holiday can stay in tents, usually with toilets and places for washing)
kampeerterrein camping site
kamperen camping (Guarded area equipped with sanitary facilities where holiday-makers may pitch a tent and camp by paying a daily rate)
kan in het milieu op lange termijn schadelijke effecten veroorzaken R58
kan in het milieu op lange termijn schadelijke effecten veroorzaken may cause long-term adverse effects in the environment
kanaal canal (An artificial open waterway used for transportation, waterpower, or irrigation)
kanaal met constante snelheid constant-velocity channel
kanaalsluis canal lock (A chamber with gates on both ends connecting two sections of a canal or other waterway, to raise or lower the water level in each section)
kanalisatie canalization and edging
kanaliseren channelling (Any system of distribution canals or conduits for water, gas, electricity, or steam)
kanaliseren channelling
kanker cancer (Any malignant cellular tumour including carcinoma and sarcoma. It encompasses a group of neoplastic diseases in which there is a transformation of normal body cells into malignant ones, probably involving some change in the genetic material of the cells, possibly as a result of faulty repair of damage to the cell caused by carcinogenic agents or ionizing radiation)
kankerverwekkende stof carcinogen (A substance that causes cancer in humans and animals)
kans op exogene besmetting metlood risk of contamination by exogenic lead
kansarmen underprivileged people
kansarmen underprivileged people (A segment of the population that does not have access to the rights or benefits granted to the rest of society, often because of low economic or social status)
kantonnaal recht cantonal law
kantoor office (Any room, set of rooms or building used for the administration of government service, business transactions or other work related activities)