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Terms for subject Accounting (1689 entries)
inkomensbestedings- en -verdelingsrekeningen distribution and use of income accounts
inkomensoverdrachten current transfers
inkomensoverdrachten binnen de overheid current transfers within general government
inkomensoverdrachten i.v.m. internationale samenwerking current international cooperation
inkoopprijs purchase cost
inlichtingen representations
input inputs
input van arbeid labour input
input van arbeid van werknemers bij constante beloning employee labour input at constant compensation
input-outputanalyse input-output analysis
input-outputsysteem input-output framework
input-outputtabellen input-output tables
input/output input/output
inschatting van het interne-controlerisico assessed level of control risk
instantie agent
instelling entity
Instellingen van de EU Institutions of the European Union
instellingen zonder winstoogmerk non-profit institutions
instellingen zonder winstoogmerk t.b.v. huishoudens non-profit institutions serving households
institutionele eenheden institutional units